HOTPIZZA.GG Gift Card Global

Lưu ý: Thẻ bạn mua là thẻ Kinguin gift card. Để đổi sang thẻ HOTPIZZA.GG Gift Card cần các bước sau:
Bước 1: Tạo tài khoản trên sau đó redeem Kinguin gift card tại:
Bước 2: Sử dụng số dư tài khoản Kinguin để đổi HOTPIZZA.GG Gift Card trên Kinguin
Cách redeem HOTPIZZA.GG Gift Card
- Copy the code that you’ve received.
- Go to ( and sign in with your Steam account
- Press the "Plus" button on the "Add Pizza" on the left which stands for adding funds to the balance. Choose the GIFT CARDS category and paste the code you've received into the Promo code field.
- Your balance on the site will be credited with the sum equal to the price of the Wallet card you've purchased + bonus from 5% to 10%
Add funds to the balance on using Kinguin gift cards!
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Get from 5% to 10% extra bonus with Kinguin cards now!