RustyPot Grub Bucks Gift Card Global

Lưu ý: Thẻ bạn mua là thẻ Kinguin gift card. Để đổi sang thẻ RustyPot Grub Bucks Gift Card cần các bước sau:
Bước 1: Tạo tài khoản trên sau đó redeem Kinguin gift card tại:
Bước 2: Sử dụng số dư tài khoản Kinguin để đổi RustyPot Grub Bucks Gift Card trên Kinguin
Cách redeem RustyPot Grub Bucks Gift Card
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RustyPot is a 3rd party service using rust items with their inital value to take place in two possible games on site. These games are of course; `Coinflip and Jackpot`.
Jackpot is a game for as many players as possible. You deposit Rust Skins into the pot and will recieve a possible Win Percentage back depending on the amount you depoisted. The more you depoist the higher percentage you will obtain, therefore giving you the higher chance to win.
Coinflip is game for only two players at one time. Its as simple as flipping a coin. Both parties have a 50% chance of winning. And you may bet as little 50 cents against your component, winner takes all.