Nạp K Ching Elsword Elrios Rift elsrift.to

Do NOT buy $1 or $75 codes from PixelGameCard! Archex exchange does not support them!
Currently (and for the foreseeable future) we can't support traditional methods.
However, there is currently a workaround possible thanks to a third party exchange (ARCHEX). They convert PixelGameCard (PGC) cards to ShadowCard (SC).
1. Create an account at ARCHEX.
2. Read their rules regarding card values: https://archex.su/index.php?stranica=pravila
3. Exchange PGC for ShadowCard: https://archex.su/index.php?stranica=zaprosobmena . They are available 24/7 and handle the exchanges within 30 minutes. You can see your exchanges in your profile.
4. Redeem your new ShadowCard using the widget below: https://www.elsrift.to/donate
5. Your K-Ching will be available immediately in-game. Reload the in-game cash shop window.
Amount K-Ching:
- 1 USD 300 K-Ching
- 5 USD 1,500 K-Ching
- 10 USD 3,300 K-Ching
- 20 USD 7,200 K-Ching
- 30 USD 11,700 K-Ching
- 50 USD 21,000 K-Ching
- 75 USD 32,625 K-Ching
- 100 USD 45,000 K-Ching