Howl Gift Card Global

Lưu ý: Thẻ bạn mua là thẻ Kinguin gift card. Để đổi sang thẻ Howl Gift Card cần các bước sau:
Bước 1: Tạo tài khoản trên sau đó redeem Kinguin gift card tại:
Bước 2: Sử dụng số dư tài khoản Kinguin để đổi Howl Gift Card trên Kinguin
Cách redeem Howl Gift Card
- Open and navigate to the Deposit page by clicking the "Deposit" button in the upper right of the website.
- On the deposit page you can find a "Redeem Gift Card" section.
- Accurately type in your Gift Card Received from Kinguin and receive your balance!
Gift Card redeemable on Howl for on-site coins.
Purchase Rust skins and reinvent your inventory with our many Games and accompanying Shop loaded with high-tier Rust skins.
Upon redeeming your Gift Card receive a 30% or more bonus on your purchase (see the current offer on for more details)