GGPredict PRO Subscription Global

Lưu ý: Thẻ bạn mua là thẻ Kinguin gift card. Để đổi sang thẻ GGPredict PRO Subscription Card cần các bước sau:
Bước 1: Tạo tài khoản trên sau đó redeem Kinguin gift card tại:
Bước 2: Sử dụng số dư tài khoản Kinguin để đổi GGPredict PRO card trên Kinguin
Cách redeem GGPredict PRO
- Go to
- Log in to an existing account OR create a new account
- Once you are logged in, go to your profile and find a tab "Redeem Gift Card"
- Provide the code and redeem your PRO subscription
Includes: PRO subscription
Raise your CS:GO skills with the power of AI-generated training with less than 30 minutes daily!
GGPredict has developed an analytical and training platform for players participating in Counter-Strike matches. The tools provide conditions for the development of e-athletes, enabling them to better understand the game.
For more information about the product, visit