CSGOFAST Fast Coins Gift Card Global

Lưu ý: Thẻ bạn mua là thẻ Kinguin gift card. Để đổi sang thẻ CSGOFAST Fast Coins Gift Card cần các bước sau:
Bước 1: Tạo tài khoản trên Kinguin.net sau đó redeem Kinguin gift card tại: Kinguin.net/redeem
Bước 2: Sử dụng số dư tài khoản Kinguin để đổi CSGOFAST Fast Coins Gift Card trên Kinguin
Cách redeem CSGOFAST Fast Coins Gift Card
In order to redeem your gift card:
- Go to csgofast.com or csgofast4.com or csgofastx.com
- Click on "Sign in" in the top right and sign in with Steam or another method
- Go to "Deposit" in menu, then to the "Prepaid Cards" section and enter the code you bought into field, click Activate button.
Buy a CSGOFAST gift card to claim the balance at csgofast.com with Fast Coins.
CSGOFAST is a service for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players. Right here everyone can try their luck and get awesome skins.
The gift code does not expire.