Tài khoản download Mega.nz Pro

Khách 40.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 35 McCash (35 EXP)
Khách 150.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 145 McCash (145 EXP)
Khách 210.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 205 McCash (205 EXP)
Khách 270.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 265 McCash (265 EXP)

Lưu trữ đám mây

Securely store files of any size. Backup important folders, sync items across multiple devices, and share files with total control and privacy.


Chat và họp mặt

Message friends and family, make one-on-one calls, or connect over video – all in complete privacy. Also available to non-MEGA users.



Safeguard your online privacy with the lightning-fast MEGA VPN. Protect up to five devices at once for just 26.280 ₫ per month. Start your 7-day free trial today.


Trình quản lý mật khẩu

Simply and securely manage login credentials across all devices with MEGA Pass. Generate complex passwords and save time with autofill. Start your 14-day free trial today.


Object storage

Manage unlimited data with MEGA S4, a scalable and affordable storage solution. S3-compatible for integration with tools and services, it’s ideal for businesses, developers, and media professionals.