Nạp VIP WeTV Global

Khách 100.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 99 McCash (95 EXP)
Khách 250.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 243 McCash (243 EXP)
Khách 840.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 827 McCash (799 EXP)
Khách 70.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 67 McCash (67 EXP)
Khách 220.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 217 McCash (217 EXP)
Khách 340.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 335 McCash (335 EXP)



How to find WeTV ID:

  1. Use your account to login on WeTV mobile app.
  2. After login, click "Account" on your bottom left
  3. Next, click "Account" under settings
  4. Your WeTV ID will be displayed on the bottom.

WeTV, is Tencent Video's international version and it is a legal and official free streaming platform everyone. WeTV provides a variety of genres of English subbed Chinese series, movies, dramas, variety shows, special events, anime, and many more.

You may not need to remember which part of the shows you have paused as WeTV helps you to remember where you left last time and pick up from there directly.

You may also enjoy Blu-ray picture quality (Full HD) to upgrade the watching experience.