Nạp Originium Arknights TW

Khách 2.620.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 2.599 McCash (699 EXP)
Khách 1.770.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 1.753 McCash (799 EXP)
Khách 910.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 895 McCash (895 EXP)
Khách 420.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 411 McCash (411 EXP)
Khách 330.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 323 McCash (323 EXP)
Khách 140.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 137 McCash (137 EXP)

How to find Arknights (TW) User ID:

  1. Use your account to login the game.
  2. The User ID will be displayed on your game main page left side.


Arknights is a free-to-play 2D fantasy strategy game. Take on the role of the amnesiac Doctor in the fight against a deadly infection taking over the world and recruit Operators to help battle your foes.

The game features tower defense-inspired gameplay where players deploy Operators onto the battlefield into strategic positions to defend points on the grid-based map. Place your characters onto the map to stop the flow of enemies towards your strategic points and unleash powerful abilities to help turn the tide of battle. Each Operator fulfills specific types of roles on the battlefield, but each character offers unique skills and abilities to make for a wide variety of squad compositions that deepen the gameplay.