Nạp Coin Huya Live CN

Khách 230.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 225 McCash (225 EXP)
Khách 460.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 449 McCash (449 EXP)

How to find Hu Ya ID?

  1. Login your Hu Ya account.
  2. Open your personal center.
  3. And the Hu Ya ID will display under your Nickname.



Hu Ya Live (CN) is the interactive live-streamed video platform in China, enriched by the world's first communications service operators. The company's live products cover multiples platforms such as PC, web, mobile, and more. It also has nearly 300 featured channels in 4 categories including e-Sports, solo player games, mobile games, and entertainment which cover music, sports, beauty, outdoor activities, and food. Enjoy massive live broadcasts and videos from Hu Ya Live now!