Nạp Seal Epic War Thrones

Khách 1.830.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 1.809 McCash (999 EXP)
Khách 940.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 925 McCash (925 EXP)
Khách 430.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 423 McCash (423 EXP)
Khách 290.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 283 McCash (283 EXP)
Khách 150.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 145 McCash (145 EXP)

How to find Epic War: Thrones Account ID?

  1. Use your account to login the game.
  2. Open system Profile Picture .
  3. Your Account ID will be displayed at personal info.


Game Features-
#Enjoy the Honor of Talented Generals#
Over 500+ military generals follow your commands. Train abundant top military groups. Attack enemy to occupy nameless land. Each of generals has own exclusive skills, partners, weapons. Unleash unique leadership and strategic thinking on battlefield, enjoy the moment of honor through your military server.

#Territorial Expansionism#
On 4 million square kilometers of seamless game-world, rapidly upgrade achievement and reputation through fierce competition of land and training your generals. Show off your capabilities and rank on world channel and set up your own rules of conquest to this world.

#Ambush or surprise? Make the best of your wisdom#
Restore multiple strategies in the three kingdoms. Set up ambush ahead of time or pretend to be invisible creatures, using exclusive tactics to attack your hostile army. Disrupts their layout soundlessly. A real weather system is set up in the game, player can take advantage of changes in environment to unleash strategies.

#Unpredictable Meetup Event #
In breathtaking landscape, unpredicted exclusive generals will suddenly appear and pay allegiance to you when you experience unlimited exploration, governance activity or other adventurer modes. You will meet SSR generals to help you grasp authority.

#Collision of Global Civilizations on Mixed Server #
Join your friend or challenge your enemy on intense global battlefield. For glory, for thrones, defeat and capture those who don’t surrender to you! From now on, breaking out the biggest war together!

#Develop ‘Soft Power’ #
My lord, paying attention to exploitation of farm, woodcut, stone mine and smelt! Consolidating the development within your kingdom. Exploring international markets, breeding horses with friends, and boosting trade are also great opportunities for territorial expansion. In your kingdom, a powerful backup cannot be underestimated! These resources will determine your development!