Nạp Cat coins tài khoản Huomao TV

Khách 540.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 527 McCash (527 EXP)
Khách 270.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 267 McCash (267 EXP)
Khách 110.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 107 McCash (107 EXP)
Khách 60.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 57 McCash (57 EXP)

Website :

  • Trang chủ Huomao TV

Computer and network configuration required for live broadcast
1. Basic computer configuration (mainstream games, show anchor)

  • CPU: Intel i5
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 650
  • Memory: 4G or more

2. Recommended configuration (large game)

  • CPU: Intel i7
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 760
  • Memory: 8G or more

3. Network environment requirements for live broadcast

  • It is recommended to have an uplink bandwidth of at least 800kbps (0.8M) (that is, an upload speed of 100K / S). Use the speed measurement function of the Firecat Live Assistant or go to this address for speed measurement to understand your upload speed: http://www.speedtest.net/
  • If your upload speed is not enough, please contact your local operator to increase the "uplink bandwidth". The uplink bandwidth of ADSL users is generally 0.5M, and the uplink bandwidth of fiber users is generally 1-2M.