Nạp MeiTuan Food Delivery Voucher 20 Tệ

Nạp MeiTuan Food Delivery Voucher 20 Tệ

Khách 90.000 VNĐ
Thành viên 83 McCash

Mô tả


Meituan: A Chinese internet company offering various online services such as food delivery, hotel booking, movie ticketing, ride-hailing, and lifestyle services. It started as a group-buying platform and expanded into a comprehensive online service platform. Known for its food delivery service, Meituan also provides hotel booking, movie ticketing, ride-hailing, and lifestyle service appointments. It has a large user base and is one of China's leading online consumer platforms.


MeiTuan Food Delivery Voucher

Meituan food delivery vouchers are promotional coupons provided by Meituan's food delivery platform. These vouchers can be used to deduct the order amount at the time of checkout. By using Meituan food delivery vouchers, customers can enjoy discounts or have a portion of their order amount reduced.